요즘 핫한 ChatGPT로 놀아봤습니다.
더 깊이 있게 물어보면 좋은 답변이 나옵니다. ^^
I'm going to get married.
Tell me about a good proposal a man makes to a woman.
Please organize the contents together with the table of contents.
Please tell me 10 good things to give as a present when proposing.
Please tell me about the brand of the gift.
Proposal: A good proposal can be creative, personal, and meaningful. Some good things to give as a present when proposing are a photo album, a custom piece of jewelry, a love letter, a romantic getaway, and a surprise dinner. The brand of the gift is not as important as the thought and effort put into it.
제안: 좋은 제안은 창의적이고, 개인적이고, 의미가 있을 수 있다. 프러포즈할 때 선물하기 좋은 것들은 사진첩, 맞춤 보석, 러브레터, 로맨틱한 휴가, 그리고 깜짝 만찬이다. 선물의 브랜드는 그것에 쏟은 생각과 노력만큼 중요하지 않다.
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